To The Single Mama, I See You.


Sarah Robicheau pic


Dear Sweet Single Mama,

I see you.

So so clearly.

Maybe its because my eyes have now been opened to the reality of just how freaking amazing you are.

Maybe because I now am one too.

Whether it is by choice, by regret, or by a reason you had no control over.

Were all here, You and I.

……..and I want you to know that you are seen and loved and the hardness and exhaustion of it all is not for nothing.

This past year I have questioned decisions I’ve made, I have regretted choices that led me down paths were I’d never imagined I’d be, and I have spent many days and nights wondering if I was adequately equipped for the job of raising my sweet children on my own.

After all, How could this mess of a broken person now care for these four aching hearted beings whose lives have also been changed in an instant?

We do that don’t we?

Forget that were human. Forgot that our mess ups are not notches against us, but a beautiful opportunity for growth and self love that we sometimes forget we’re worthy of receiving.

I am not the same Woman as before.

But I am a Woman being constantly reshaped and molded into the person I need to be as life continues on.

This year was filled with loneliness, self doubt, insecurities, and a barely still-lit faith that left me hanging on by a thread.

My single Mama-ness felt like a title unworthy of love, of not being enough for them, and of not being faithful, or obedient, or enough to a God that had brought me through so much of my life thus far.

It’s not true you know.

Any of it.

Your resilience, and strength, and ability to keep going no matter the mess of things shines so brightly within you.

Your sleepless nights, your desperate missing of them when your precious children are away, and your ability to admit when the days are just too much are all beautiful representations of a love so strong.

You are not alone in any of it.

The title Single Mama is not one to be ashamed of, defined by, or hide from.

You signify so much more than that.

You are enough as you are.

Right now.

In the season your in.

To God, to others, and to those sweet babies who are watching their precious Mama continue to get back up in a world that can so easily tear you down.

You are loved.

….and you are so worthy of a Grace that allows you the opportunity to heal from where you have been, to make room for a life that fills you completely.

Undefined by titles, by labels, and by a past that is just that.

Love,  A Mess of A Single Mama who is growing right along with you. Cheering ever so loudly from the sidelines.














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